14. Keywords

This article will provide you with information about keywords and the importance of choosing the right ones for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You will improve your traffic by choosing the right keywords and keyword phrases.

Keywords can be generic, such as "photograph" or "vector," to more specific, such as "steamships" or "sunset".

Using "meta tags" is one way you can add keywords to your website (more on this later).

A great, free keyword generating tool to use is Good Keywords v2.0 as it will give you an idea of which are the best keywords to drive more traffic to your site.

Be aware of "keyword stuffing" though, which refers to the practice of loading a web page with keywords in an attempt to manipulate a site's ranking in search results.

Filling pages with too many keywords results in a negative user experience, and can harm your site's ranking.

You just need to focus on creating useful, information-rich content that uses keywords appropriately and in context.

Creating a paid search engine ad is another way you can use keywords

How it works is you create an ad and then bid on keywords and keyword phrases related to your business, then when somebody types your chosen keyword into a search engine your ad will show up according to how much your bid was.

This method can become quite expensive if you go after the top position but as long as you are within the top ten you should do alright.

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